Friday, July 3, 2009

my first flat

Yesterday was a 102 mile day.... And today was 99 miles. Needless to say I don't have much positive to write. LOL
Today I got my first flat tire which stinks. But I was able to change and pump it up in 10 mins which was sweet! I also lost the screws in my cleat and so the cleat got stuck in my pedal... Making it SUPER hard to ride the last 5 miles. My back hurt again today too :( but hey, tomorrow is the 4th of July and we only have 55 miles to ride! Happy holidays all, I'll try to write more when I have time... But right bow I just want to sleep.
We do some math... And found we typically spend 3-4 hour more riding our bikes each day than the sleep we get at night. Not good.... Especially for someone who needs as much sleep as I do!!!

1 comment:

  1. Kerri-
    I enjoyed meeting the group last night at the church in Alexandria LA. I will send the pictures that I took this morning to you.
    Also at this time I am sending you encouragement to continue your efforts to build a better world. It may not feel like it sometimes but you are part of a very special group!
    All the best.
