I officially love biking in the morning. Waking up early is still rough and making me super alert on the bike but its worth it. Yesterday was a 97 mile day through some pretty bad roads. They were very bumpy all day long leaving me almost shaking each time we stopped. And to top it off, when we hit mile 68 the road was freshly paved- now this sounds good, but it certainly wasn't. The road was melting and so the tar was getting stuck to our tires, and in the brakes. It made walking my bike VERY difficult, let alone the thought of riding. The tar ripped a line through the rubber in my tire and ripped the screw out of my cleats. It was the worst 3 miles of the trip....
BUT, we had a lovely pool party waiting for us at mile 71 which totally got me through it all! We were greeted by a kind family, food, a pool and their little son who had a tray of ice cream! It was amazing and powered us through the last 25 miles which were pretty good.
Last night was our best host yet! We were split up into pairs and sent off to stay win different families from the church. I was with Kim at the Grymonprez's house, and they were great :) we went out for a sunset boat ride on the lake, and a little dip. I took lots of beautiful pictures! And, it was amazing to have my own bedroom!
Today was only 75 miles which was nice. The day was pretty average. Laura got a few flats, she is up to 18 so far this trip! I feel super lucky to have only had one yet.
I was hoping this summer would be relaxing and stress free so I could enjoy the journey and our county. I'm realizing that this isn't true :( There is always something going on and so we aren't free til 9 or 10 at night, and well I just want to sleep at that point because we wake up sooo early. My leader responsibilities are more time consuming than I had expected and often keep me occupied. But overall I like the majority of the people and enjoy the time on the bike and so the experience is good thus far :)
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