It's been a few days since I've had time to blog. Thursday we had a build day with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Garland in Texas. Garland is a suburb just east of Dallas. It was a ton of fun, we were framing. When we arrived at 8am there was simply a concrete slab. And when we were done at 2pm ALL the walls were up! Pictures to come.
Yesterday was an 89 mile ride into Decatur- the days are definitely starting to run together and getting hard to remember what was what town. It was probably one of the hardest days physically because it was hilly, super hot as there was a stretch of almost 20 miles with no shade or establishments a which we could enjoy AC or refill on water. Thinking of Craig and all he went through the last few years helped to know that I could be strong and make it through. I ran out of water about 8 miles from host, and then bonked about 5 miles out which was scary. But I rested a few minutes, ate something and got water from another rider so then I was fine to finish the ride and just took it east last night. Once a week we do "town hall meetings" where everyone has the opportunity to express their concerns, questions and comments and last night was the first one where people really had concerns, hopefully we can get some solutions in the next week. One big concern was trying to shorten our mileage because many people, including myself, are severely under rested and exhausted all the time. So... if you have some free time and wanna help us out by playing with google maps, or by making some phone calls, please let me know:) we don't often have Internet and the iPhone can only do so much...
Today is 71 miles into Wichita Falls TX and we are already at first lunch stop at 9am! It will hopefully be an early and relaxing evening so I can get some sleep.
Lastly, Cassie Ravo sponsored July 11th and I wasn't able to blog that day, so I wanted to thank her here! And, wish her sister a happy marriage :)
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